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The 90 minute show changed me.

What is the one thing that keeps people sane in tough times? You may think it’s patience, courage or optimism. All these things are important. But there’s one more thing we often underestimate. Can you guess it? It’s our sense of humour. Humour is the best dose to lighten our mood and keep us sane in tough times! Isn’t it true?

Hi! I’m Gurpreet Dhariwal. I was born and brought up in Gurgaon. My childhood was like an average Indian middle-class one. I grew up around hard-working people. The people who gave it all to earn every penny. But what kept them energised while working so hard? How did they survive the hectic 12-14 hours of daily work? There was one common link between them. “Strong sense of humour”. It’s the perfect mood booster! I bet you’ll also agree to it.

Growing up, I wanted to be a professional cricketer. I used to study and score well in exams to ensure my parents didn't stop my cricket coaching. I couldn’t excel in my cricketing career. But it helped me discover my funny personality. Still, I hadn’t thought about pursuing it.

My journey as a stand-up comedian started on an unorthodox note. I was working in a corporate job and preparing for higher studies. One day, I went for a live Stand-up comedy show with my office colleagues. The 90 minute show changed me.

I was a different person when I came out. I was in complete awe of the artists. The perspectives, observations, stories, set-ups, art forms, and jokes were impeccable. I watched more live shows and fell in love with the comical art. And eight months later, I took a leap of faith in myself and went on stage for the first time. It was a surreal experience to crack jokes in front of a crowd.

As time flew, Stand-up became a secret escape for me. No one in my family knew about it for the first two years. Not even my parents. It was a thing I used to do for my joy. I would work in the office, but mentally my brain was occupied with stories and jokes. It’s a special feeling to catch the audience’s attention and be the reason for their joy, even if it is for a few moments. And I would love to live this special feeling throughout my life.

As for the parents, they’ve accepted my profession. The truth is your parents don’t want to see you broke. They want to see you stable. Conventional professions, such as Doctor, Banker, Lawyer, CA etc., gives you stability. While unconventional professions take some time to offer you stability. So don’t rush for validation from your parents and loved ones. Work hard to prove it before them.

'Be original'. It's the most important thing you need to excel in any career. And don’t forget to spice your life with a sense of humour!”

Delhi Stories is an emerging platform to feature inspirational, motivational, relatable and beautiful stories. Do you also have an interesting story like Gurpreet?

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