Have you ever thought about what goes around making an artist? What pushes them to pursue a career that is full of uncertainties? Well, there are various answers to this. But the essence of every response is the zeal to answer the intuition.
My journey started when I was a teenage boy. I had an epiphany to express myself. But I was a shy kid. So mostly, I would keep to myself. Until one day, I saw a play that changed my life. I had a strong desire to be on the stage. But that was primarily reserved for the intelligent kids. Therefore, no one casted me in any play. But I started performing in life and became a class clown.
Eventually, I started doing theatre. I worked in the various theatre groups in Delhi. And then got the opportunity to work with Barry John. It had a deep impact on my life. It led to a long relationship with empty rehearsal rooms. We were a few actors in empty halls - creating our
own world, characters and situations. For years, that passion drove us to reach there every day at the same time and lose ourselves in the artistic world.
I also became a ‘Theatre Coach’. I would go to schools and work with children from the age of eight to sixteen years to teach them drama and play direction. So, most of my time was spent in the rehearsal rooms.
I had half-heartedly applied for FTII because I thought I wouldn’t be selected for such a big institution. And I was quite happy doing theatre. To my surprise, I got in. The two years there were extremely special and fulfilling. We all were living, eating and breathing cinema. After that, all my friends headed to Mumbai. So, I also followed them. The journey so far has been extremely rewarding. And I hope some wonderful surprises await me!
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